
За доставчици на услуги

Зарядни решения от eCars

Добавете електромобилни услуги към своето портфолио

Разширете гамата на своите предложения като добавите инсталация и поддръжка на зарядни станции от eCars

Индивидуални решения

Предлагате нов тип услуги в силно разрастващия се пазар на електрическата мобилност

Добавена стойност

Навлизате в света на електрическата мобилност с предлагане на търсени и качествени услуги за електромобили

Нови електро възможности

Възползвайте се от гамата на eCars и предлагайте зарядни станции, монтажи, кабели и аксесоари за електромобили

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How ev charging extends your services

E-mobility is growing rapidly. Unevers team is thrilled to share benefits for your business and customers.

When will new customers start coming?

From our experience once you install charging stations and especially when we blog about it, people start coming in almost instantly as they look for convenient places to charge their EVs.

What are the installation procedures?

It depends on location and premises and can be quick and simple, but sometimes more complicated and time consuming. Uneverse team is ready to consult you and provide installation tips and services.

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Find more answers in our FAQ section

How would customers pay for charging?

The quick and easy way is to join the Uneverse and become a partner. We take care of the billing, but can also incorparate your or third party solutions. You can also decide to attract customers by provided free EV charge.


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Just send us and email or call our office – we'll get all the answers for you.